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Business Certificates of Deposit

We can help maximize your returns with Business Certificates of Deposit (CDs).

Contact Us to Get Started.

Applying is easy - Give us a call, email us or walk into your local office.

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Maximize Your Returns

Business Certificates of Deposit (CDs) may be an excellent choice for businesses with excess funds seeking to secure a higher interest rate for long-term earnings. By placing your money with a local, community bank, you’ll rest assured that it’s safe and being invested into the Madison and greater Dane County area.

Current CD Rates

Comparison table of Certificates of Deposit
Term Minimum Balance APY*
7 Month Special $2,500 3.80%
11 Month Special $2,500 3.55%

Additional Details on Capitol Bank CDs:

  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $1,000 for standard term; $2,500 for special term
  • Monthly Maintenance Fee: None
  • Interest: Fixed Interest Rate for the term of the certificate. Interest compounded and credited quarterly. Interest can automatically be transferred to another account.
  • Statements: Monthly, if combined with a checking account

Withdrawal Details:

The penalty we may impose will equal seven (7) days interest on the amount withdrawn within the first six (6) days after deposit – OR – within six (6) days of the date of the immediately preceding partial withdrawal.

The penalty we may impose will equal seven (7) days interest on the amount withdrawn within the first six (6) days after deposit – OR – within six (6) days of the date of the immediately preceding partial withdrawal.

CD withdrawals are subject to the following penalties based upon the term of the CD:

1-5 months CD = 1 month interest penalty;

6-11 months CD = 3 months interest penalty;

12-23 months CD = 6 months interest penalty;

24-60 months CD = 12 months interest penalty.

Automatically renewed at current interest rate with a ten-day grace period. Notice given of approaching renewal and rate change.

For a personalized approach, connect with one of our bankers to discuss how our CDs can maximize your business’s savings.

Contact Us

Business Bankers

Our commercial lending team knows the Dane County business landscape. We’re here to be a resource for your business. We will gain a deep understanding of your business needs, big or small, to ensure you're receiving the most appropriate solutions. Contact Us to learn more.

Tammy Fanning
Tammy Fanning AVP Treasury Management & Business Development 608-836-4225 Email Tammy
Kari Harpold
Kari Harpold Treasury Management Officer 608-836-4114 Email Kari NMLS ID: 1253622
Michael Johnston
Michael Johnston Senior Vice President Commercial Lender 608-836-4334 Email Michael
Jill Mack
Jill Mack Vice President Private & Commercial Banking 608-836-4132 Email Jill NMLS ID: 553790
Troy Mitchell
Troy Mitchell Senior Vice President Commercial Lender 608-836-4241 Email Troy
David Robbins
David Robbins Senior Vice President Market President-East 608-836-4331 Email David
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